Meet Mother Raw Senior Marketing Manager, Sarah!

Meet Sarah! Sarah is the Senior Marketing Manager at Mother Raw and as you get to know her you will see just how perfectly she embodies the very heart and soul of Mother Raw. She shares in our belief that eating more plants just makes sense! Sarah’s drive to convey our mission, along with her inherent love for plants, made her stand out as a great fit for the Mother Raw team. When Sarah isn’t working her magic over here, she is likely to be cooking delicious vegan food or walking her dog, a bichon-poodle rescue named Jackson!

As the marketing lead, Sarah manages our marketing channels and ecommerce. On any given day you’ll find her working on the Mother Raw website, collaborating with our photographers on social content, designing ads used for digital campaigns, among many other things! Keep reading to learn more about Sarah!

Get to Know Sarah Bramley!

What or who inspires you?

I’m inspired by the people and brands that are making plant-based eating so accessible and delicious. It’s so exciting to me to be able to walk into the grocery store and find more and more products popping up everywhere you look. The amount of innovation in the plant-based industry is truly inspiring. In particular, I am inspired by all the innovation in plant-based meat alternatives by companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and Yves.

Do you follow a specific food related lifestyle? And what does food/a healthy lifestyle mean to you?

I follow a vegan/plant-based diet with the majority of it being whole foods. However, a healthy lifestyle to me is all about balance. A piece of cake now and then never hurt!

What is your favourite Mother Raw product?

I have a weakness for Spicy Vegan Queso. It’s so versatile – whether stirred into chickpea pasta, as a dip for veggies or by the spoonful! Ranch dressing is a staple for me though – I use it almost every day in my salad.

Favourite recipe?

I love some vegan cauliflower wings with a creamy dip! Mother Raw French Onion dip pairs so well with BBQ sauce on the wings!

What do you do in your spare time when you’re out of the Mother Raw office?

I love to travel, explore the city, get outside and take my dog for walks along the water.

Where is your favourite place you’ve been?

I have a soft spot for the west coast and love getting out there and exploring whenever I can. Vancouver is a favourite place of mine. A few years ago my husband and I went on a west coast road trip from San Francisco to Vancouver where we discovered the beauty of Oregon. Ever since then we’ve been dying to go back!

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about animals, which is one of the reasons why we chose to adopt our dog Jackson and is the main reason why I went vegan 5 years ago.

What advice would you give those looking to make healthier choices and eat more plants?

My advice would be to find easy and delicious recipes to be inspired by. Eating more plants definitely doesn’t have to be boring, and luckily there’s a plethora of products out there to help make eating plants enjoyable and delicious. 

Something you couldn’t live without?

My dog Jackson is my #1 and I couldn’t live without him. Don’t tell my husband!


You can find and connect with Sarah on LinkedIn here!


Author: Laurel Cass

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