Here at Mother Raw we are fueled by the awesome power of plants. Our love runs deep, and we are inspired every day by the extraordinary effects of eating in a way that’s closer to how Mother Earth intended. It’s that undeniably good, fresh, invigorating feeling that ignites when you dig in to a big ol' plate of delicious plants. We shout our #plantlove from the rooftops and encourage everyone, everywhere to dig in with us.
How do we practice #PlantLove here at Mother Raw? It’s simple: we consciously craft products that are as close to their natural form as possible without compromising on taste. Without over-processing or under-flavoring, we do Mother Earth justice by not messing with what she gives us. Every step of our process, from our recipes, to the never-heated production practices, to our recyclable packaging are aimed at paying respect to her and her bounty. Every single one of our products are made in small batches, with clean ingredients, by real people. We are a proud group who are passionate about making eating plants easy, convenient and most importantly: flavorful. Some may call this revolutionary, we think it just makes sense. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
#PlantLove is not simply a passing fad or trend. Food trends come and go, but the love of plants permeates time and will outlive those curated Instagram recipe photos. It’s not about achieving perfection – far from it. It’s making tiny steps in the right direction each day by eating more plants (and feeling good while doing it!) It’s about a deep love for Mother Earth and eating in a way that pays respect to her, and in turn, ourselves, with every bite. Because after all, we think eating more plants just makes sense.
So go ahead, dig in and spread that #PlantLove.